Five For Friday – Terms Used On The Set
[video width="640" height="360" mp4="https://theactorslab.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/FiveForFriday-Session-07-480.mp4" poster="https://theactorslab.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/FiveForFriday-07-Poster.png"][/video] TERMINOLOGY ON THE SET Here are some terms you will definitely hear on a Film, TV or Commercial set. It’s good to know, in advance, the terminology used while filming. It just makes your job and the director crew’s job a whole lot easier. So here are a few. There will be more to come in the following weeks. CRAFT SERVICES: A table with food and snacks, cared for by a caterer or production person. GRIPS: Crew that is responsible for moving the equipment around the set. DOLLY GRIP: The member of the crew responsible for working with the camera on a Dolly. ECU – Extreme Close Up – A very tight shot of an actor. HONEYWAGON: Truck trailer close to the set that hosts bathrooms, wardrobe, make-up and changing rooms. M.O.S:…