Five For Friday – Terms Used On The Set



Here are some terms you will definitely hear on a Film, TV or Commercial set.  It’s good to know, in advance, the terminology used while filming. It just makes your job and the director crew’s job a whole lot easier.  So here are a few.  There will be more to come in the following weeks.

CRAFT SERVICES: A table with food and snacks, cared for by a caterer or production person.

GRIPS: Crew that is responsible for moving the equipment around the set.

DOLLY GRIP: The member of the crew responsible for working with the camera on a Dolly.

ECU – Extreme Close Up – A very tight shot of an actor.

HONEYWAGON: Truck trailer close to the set that hosts bathrooms, wardrobe, make-up and changing rooms.

M.O.S:  Short for “Motion Only Shot” and “Silent on Camera”, where the shot is taken without any sound or Dialogue

FIRST A.D.: Short for “First Assistant Director”, the person responsible for giving most of the directions on the set to the Cast and Crew. They are the liaison between Director, and Cast and Crew.

2ND AD – SECOND ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: The person responsible for dealing with things that have to do with actors and script revisions.

Thanks so much for sharing!